Ships & Boats

RefineX for Marine Industry

Normal oil and filter changes for the main engines on vessels range from 300 to 1,500 engine hours, depending upon the type of engine and crankcase capacity.

The RefineX Engine Oil Refiner System has successfully extended oil drains on all leading marine engines to an unprecedented 8,000 engine hours.

For example, the RefineX Engine Oil Refiner System has successfully extended oil drains on V16-645 EMD diesel (train) engines used for a marine application.

In one case, the oil in this engine was being changed every 750 engine hours, once every month (12 x per year).

With the RefineX Engine Oil Refiner System in use, an independent oil analysis shows that the oil in this report has accumulated 13,266 engine hours without an oil change and that the oil is in satisfactory condition and is suitable for further use.

As a result of the RefineX Engine Oil Refiner System, 18 oil changes have been saved (13,266 ÷ 750). This includes labor, new oil, engine oil filters, and disposal costs.

This company has saved 900 gallons of oil just on this 1 engine (18 oil changes x 50 gallons per change).

Because of the individual RefineX Engine Oil Refiner System’s approach to each engine’s crankcase capacity, the oil in each engine is completely refined a minimum of seven (7) times per hour, regardless of the amount of oil in the crankcase.

All PetroSavers Engine Oil Refiner Pac Elements and your existing engine oil filters will last 30,000 miles (48,000 kilometers) or 2,000 engine hours before needing to be changed.